Do you ever get a feeling of guilt when you throw away a single use plastic bottle or razor? You’re not alone! Start your 2024 off right by making a positive impact with our simple guide on how you can reduce your waste and help the environment with small everyday changes.

One of the simplest ways to reduce your waste is cutting out single use plastic bottles, one million plastic bottles are brought around the world every minute with less than 1/3 of those being recycled. Re-usable bottles are a perfect solution, our top pick is the Neon Kactus Grey Glass Water Bottle this stylish durable bottle is great for those days on the go.
Click here to see our full reusable bottle collection including the reusable glass coffee cup perfect for getting your coffee fix without using a single use coffee cup.

Another great way to reduce waste is using reusable razors, disposable plastic razors and cartridges are rarely recycled and can take thousands of years to break down. Our unisex Double Edge Silver Safety Razor is the perfect tool to start your journey towards zero waste. The weighted handle helps with getting the perfect shave and is designed to be used for years to come, simply buy replacement razor blades when needed. The double-edged razor is perfect for getting a close shave and can be used all over the body, suitable for all hair types.
If you are in need of some encouragement to complete your skin care routine look no further than our Reusable bamboo pads, they are the perfect tool to help you swap out face wipes or cotton pads that are usually packaged in single- use plastic and can end up in our oceans. In place these reusable and washable pads will take your make- up off with ease and can be used for years to come. Bamboo pads are gentle on the skin and work with any cleanser or toner to remove all make- up and cleanse the skin.

Check out Fias Botanical Reusable Bamboo Pads Set complete with a laundry bag for easy washing!

If you are looking to give your beauty and skin routine a full zero waste makeover, check out our range of shampoo bars and natural soaps, our top pick for natural soap is the Orka Naturals Tea Tree with Charcoal Soap. The activated charcoal cleanses the skin, removes deeper impurities and reduces the dullness of skin so not only will you be doing your bit for the environment, but you will be feeling and looking great too!
Complete your new zero waste beauty routine with our Loofah Bath and Shower Exfoliant a fully biodegradable loofah perfect for exfoliating, increasing circulation and regeneration of new, healthy skin.
Another easy lifestyle change is using more sustainable cleaning products, cleaning products can be extremely harmful to the environment many of them are produced in non-recyclable bottles containing chemicals harmful for the environment.

Aer offer a long- term simple solution to this to help you do your bit! The Aer Starter Kit contains a 100% recyclable and reusable bottle along with 3 paper sachets of cleaning powder that turns into kitchen cleaner when mixed with water (shipping without water produces 95% less CO2 emissions) . Simply buy more refill sachets when needed with the knowledge you are eliminating one piece of single- use packaging every time you clean!
Small changes can make the biggest difference! We hope that this guide has been helpful, for more ways to reduce your waste click here to see our full range of zero waste products.