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Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue

By Natalia Dombrova

Methylene blue is a laboratory-made dye that has been used in medicine for over a century. It has a variety of uses, including treating methemoglobinemia, a condition where the blood is unable to carry oxygen effectively. However, in recent years, methylene blue has gained popularity as a nootropic supplement due to its potential cognitive benefits. In this article, we will explore the usage of methylene blue, how to consume it, what dosage to take, and why it is good for health.

What is Methylene Blue?

methylene blue

Methylene blue is a synthetic compound that was first synthesized in the late 1800s as a blue dye for textiles. It was later used as the first synthetic drug to treat malaria. Methylene blue is still used today in diagnostic procedures to identify abnormal cells and to treat several disorders, such as methemoglobinemia.


How to Consume Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can be consumed in several forms, including tablets, capsules, and liquid solutions. The most common way to consume methylene blue is by taking it orally in a liquid solution. The solution can be made by diluting methylene blue powder in water or by purchasing a pre-made solution. It is important to note that not all methylene blue solutions are safe for consumption, and it is essential to purchase USP grade methylene blue to avoid poisoning from lead, mercury, cadmium, and other harmful substances.

 methylene blue

Dosage of Methylene Blue

The correct dosage of methylene blue depends on several factors, including age, weight, and the reason for taking it. The recommended dosage for cognitive enhancement is 0.5-4 mg/kg of body weight per day.

For general health purposes, the correct dosage of 0.1% methylene blue is in the range of 6 to 15 drops (in a solution of vitamin C) once or twice a day, depending on your size.
methylene blue

Benefits of Methylene Blue

Methylene blue has numerous benefits for the body and mind. Here are some of the most common benefits:
  • Improves cognitive function: Methylene blue has been shown to improve memory, attention, and executive function in healthy individuals and those with cognitive impairment
  • Increases energy: Methylene blue has been shown to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Boosts metabolism: Methylene blue has been shown to increase metabolic rate and promote weight loss
  • Improves skin health: Methylene blue has been shown to improve skin health and reduce the signs of aging
  • Treats neurological disorders: Methylene blue has been shown to have potential in treating neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and mild cognitive impairment
  • Acts as an antioxidant: Methylene blue has been shown to have antioxidant properties, which can help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation

Risks of Methylene Blue

While methylene blue is generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with the treatment. Here are some of the most common risks:
  • Blue urine: Methylene blue can cause urine to turn blue or green, which is harmless
  • Gastrointestinal upset: Methylene blue can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in some individuals
  • Allergic reaction: Some individuals may be allergic to methylene blue and experience symptoms such as hives, itching, and difficulty breathing

methylene blue

Methylene blue is a synthetic compound that has been used in medicine for over a century. It has numerous benefits for the body and mind, including improving cognitive function, increasing energy, boosting metabolism, improving skin health, treating neurological disorders, and acting as an antioxidant.

While methylene blue is generally considered safe, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.