The environment is something that should be important to everyone. It is something worth making an effort for every day, and even if it seems that one person cannot make a difference, they can. And not necessarily by making extraordinary changes and spending a lot of time, it is something that can be done by changing the daily routine to a more sustainable one. Even the small steps you take before work each morning can help the planet.
But... How to have a more sustainable routine?
Shower Routine
- Try to change your shampoo and cleaning products for packaging that is not made of plastic.
- Look for products that are natural.
- Turn off the water while you apply the shampoo.
- You do not need to stop using the products you already own. Instead, think about how you can replace these items once you almost run out or if you need to replace them at all.

Skincare routine
- Make reusable zero waste makeup remover pads. -Skip drying lotions that are bottled in plastic.
- Homemade masks.
- Recycle jars and containers.

These reusable bamboo pads are a great sustainable alternative to disposable cotton pads.

Daily Wardrobe
- Try to use sustainable fashion brands.
- Buy from second hand stores.
- Donate the clothes you don't use anymore.
- Look after your clothes so they last longer.
- Go for quality over quantity.